Easter is the Source of Our Green Faith, John 20:1-18

It is amazing how many Christians fail to see Easter as the greening event par excellence in biblical history. Even the Green Bible that has each sections of the Hebrew and Christian marked in green for environmental issues, but it does not mark out today’s gospel in green. Why do Christians miss the obvious, for me at least, dimension of ecological spirituality and themes in the resurrection story of Magdalene discovering the risen Christ in the garden?

Maybe it is my Catholic heritage that opens my eyes to environmental significance of the story. In Catholic Easter vigil, the paschal candle is dipped into the baptismal waters, signifying ancient symbolism of fertility and new life. For Christians, symbols of fertility and rebirth aptly signify the risen Christ, the new life of Easter. Christ is born to new life as we all hope and dream for ourselves.

There are so many clues that point to themes around earth, life, gardens, risen from the tomb, the dead cross and the green garden. The resurrection garden stands in contrast to the Garden of Gethsemane and even the Garden of Eden. It symbolizes the new life that God intended for us from the beginning.
If your green imagination is challenged, think about C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe of the Chronicles of Narnia. The long winter of the Witch’s reign is broken under the warmth of Christ’s springtime. The springtime here signifies new life, new growth, and the restoration of nature by the death and resurrection of the Aslan/Christ figure. Seeds sprout, fruit trees blossom with colors, lilies and flowers in bloom, birds chirping and life filled with hope. All these herald life; they point to God as creator and Spirit. It is time of birth and renewal.
Unlike many Christians who continually throw the Earth into God’s trash bin for a heavenly salvation for themselves alone, I see glimpses of hope in Easter: so marvelously inclusive and extravagant.

And let me tell you that many folks who fight for the Earth and all life are either there with Jesus on the cross Good Friday or with Jesus’ corpse in the tomb. They are so aware of the polluted rivers, the toxic waste dumps that harm us and other life, the extinction of millions of plant and animal species, the radioactive spills into the Pacific Ocean, the thousands of coal plants pumping unceasing carbon and toxic pollution into the air to warm our climate. I can’t help associating the unbreathable atmosphere in Beijing where millions of people have to wear masks against the heavily polluted atmosphere with the experience the asphyxiation that Jesus did on the cross. Humans tortured Christ and other humans through asphyxiation. Or Jesus being slaughtered at the time of thousands lambs for Passover celebrations. He suffered as animals suffered merciless killings or the extinctions of species. Global warming is and its ravages will continue to be a reality that we and our descendants have to live with for generations.

It is hard to maintain hope when you stand before the cross of the crucified Jesus and not think that the Roman Empire and religious fundamentalists have won; or lay in the dark tomb with Jesus’ corpse, realizing the body has been scarred and remains lifeless. This is where many environmental activists are today. They have been shocked out of hope by human degradation of the Earth and all life on the planet. Many mourn the passion of the Earth. Our mission given to us this is Easter to be people of hope and to share that hope with those Earth caregivers who still at the foot of the cross and mourn in the tomb. It is easy to fall into such thinking for myself when I look at the on-going news reports of the growing climate change and unusual severe weather events.

The tomb represents our groundedness with the Earth. It is the primal matrix of the soil from which we evolved. In Genesis, we were named adamah, earth creature because we came from the soil. We were bound to the soil. Dr. Daniel Hillel, a soil physicist, notes that humanity is associated with the soil:

The ancient Hebrew association of man with soil is echoed in the Latin name for man, homo, derived from humus, the stuff of life in the soil. This powerful metaphor suggests an early realization of a profound truth that humanity has since disregarded to its own detriment. Since the words “humility” and “humble” also derive from humus, it is rather ironic that we should have assigned our species so arrogant a name as Homo sapiens sapiens (“wise wise man”). It occurs to me, as I ponder our past and future relation to the earth, that we might consider changing our name to a more modest Homo sapiens curans, with the word curans denoting caring or caretaking, as in “curator.” (“Teach us to care” was T.S. Eliot’s poetic plea.) Of course, we must work to deserve the new name, even as we have not deserved the old one.

Jesus, like of all us, is tethered to the earth, and through our embodiment, we are tethered with Jesus in the tomb when we die. But we know that we join God’s Christ, alive and part of the mystical body of Christ. We know that existed in the biosphere, he breathed oxygen as we do, he ate food as we do, and many other actions we commonly do.

And the resurrection is the promise that all life has a future in God, not just us. God is calling us and all creation to communion with God’s self, in ways for us inconceivable. Yet God communicates that history is not predetermined but an open future.

Easter, then, is God’s victory over it all. The life, death, and resurrection of Christ is the decisive for all of us—the world, all life, the Earth, and the universe. What happens to Christ raised from the tomb will happen to all—transformed into resurrection life. Easter reveals the fullness of the matrix of all life with God; it is the web of grace that links all life, human and other life and the Earth together. That web is God’s Spirit, the Spirit that pulsed new life and energy into the risen Christ.

Creation is all interconnected bodily together through the Spirit. Creation is not just the beginning of the universe, it is the on-going evolution of cosmic and biologically processes, the coming of the incarnate Christ—now dead but risen to the new life intended for all—and the Spirit the navigator subverting all human distortions and destructiveness of life. That last point I hold on for dear life as I engage in Earthcare and fighting for the Earth and all life. It is too easy to become overwhelmed emotionally, loose hope when you see on daily basis human arrogance and human denial, exploiting the Earth recklessly, contaminating the waters and ground water, polluting the atmosphere, raping the mountain tops by harvesting coal, undoing the EPA just trying to protecting human well-being from human created diseases and cancers, greed and short term profit over the expense of all others.

Human violence, self-centeredness and callous disregard for other life, and exploitation of the Earth and the community of life will not be the last word. The crucial issue of God’s incarnation, death and resurrection, reveals the seamless web of interrelationship of all life. At the intersections of this seamless web of interrelated life is God’s incarnated Child. The incarnate risen Christ weaves the web of interdependent life into his body. And the divine community of life and unconditional grace will have the last word. Resurrection, Life, Greenness!
We are all interconnected and interrelated. We are all siblings, human and other life. We are together in the body of Christ. Diarmuid O’Murchu, Irish priest and writer, envisions:

When you weep, we weep When a tree is felled prematurely, an animal in pain because of crazy experimentation, a teenager rebelling authority, a couple at their wit’s end trying to make a relationship work, an African woman burying the last of her seven children because of AIDS, a Peruvian farmer seeing his last piece of land swiped by a transnational corporation, we too feel the pain, the helplessness, the rage the cruel injustice.

What becomes stressed by Easter is that God’s ultimate act of compassion is Christ, his life and death, and then the resurrection. All the efforts of God at creating; incarnating, interrelating with us, all life, and creation; reconciling and sustaining and spiriting us to new birth and new love—all this is the outpouring of God’s unconditional love for all creation. It links us together in solidarity with all others. This the web of grace within we were created and within which Christ’s resurrection strengthens us together with the universe. God became human and materials so that humanity, all life, and the universe would become divine.

God will be victorious over human violence, greed, and selfishness. God will have the last word. I hold onto to this hope with all my faith and commitment though I see such human foolishness and arrogance.

The Resurrection of Christ is also about the transformation of the universe. Jesus’ resurrection is the hope that defies all hopelessness—even the hopelessness of Earth caregivers and activists. God proclaims that the relational matrix of the divine community of life outpouring an unconditional love and invitation to participate in that flow of love. On Easter, God announces radical inclusiveness. Nothing that we imagine as inclusive is inclusive enough for God. There will be no more outcasts: not any human, no other life, nor the Earth herself. Everything falls into God’s matric of interrelating graces. All creation! We now belong to the reign of God’s inclusiveness. God cares, and invites to care for all and to proclaim the hope of a new belong for all. We all belong to God.
God will not abandon creation and all life, but will continue to be presence to creation and all life and weave them continuous into a matrix of interconnected grace.

Christ’s resurrection was a wakeup call to his disciples, birthing a movement of compassion, forgiveness, peace-making, love, non-violence, radical inclusiveness, and extravagant love. It a wakeup call to God’s green grace that flows from the heart of divine love, birth in creation, thriving in evolutionary chaos and organizing life into more complexity, incarnating God’s self, and re-embodying in ourselves and all life, listening to the invitation of love at the end of this journey of all towards God.

Alleluia, God will triumph over all: climate deniers, fundamentalists, human exploiters, politicians committed to undo any efforts to stop climate change. God will be victorious.

Easter Message: Easter: Gardening as Spiritual Practice for Earthcare

for the message with pictures of our church garden: clik on http://www.scncucc.org/voices/2015/03/ucc-conference-church-life/easter-gardening-as-a-spiritual-practice-for-earth-care/

Rev. Dr. Robert Shore-Goss

“…or speak to the earth, and it will teach you.” — Job 12:8

Gardens have been sacred spaces for many religions. For Islam, there are three gardens: the garden of Creation or Eden, the gardens of this world, and the
Paradise garden at the resurrection of the dead. The Buddha was enlightened in a grove under a Bo tree in Bodhgaya, and he preached his first sermon ever in Deer Park. Japanese Zen Gardens have become a familiar landscape in American botanical gardens. The etymology for the ancient Avestan (Persian) word “Paradise” (pairidaēza) means orchard or a hunting park.

The Jesus movement became an urban movement within three years after the death and resurrection of Christ. It forgot its garden and rural roots and when it was propelled into an imperial religion under Constantine, urban Christians stood against pagans (paganus, Latin for rustic or country-dweller). Christians as they expanded throughout Europe during the late Roman period and in the Early Middle Ages cut down the trees of sacred groves of competing indigenous religions. It forgot that Jesus’ burial tomb was in a garden.

I love our church garden, it is surprise in an urban setting with desert landscape and indigenous California plants. I sit in the garden for prayer each day, often with my companion dog Friskie. He loves the garden fragrances and enjoys chasing the birds eating the bird seed. The garden teaches me about abundant life, the language of grace. I share this reflection with you at Easter as a time to re-covenant ourselves as individuals and churches to Earth-care and environmental justice, for me the Earth is one of God’s gardens.

The first truth about gardens is that they are created; they are relational. In Genesis 2, we have the primal myth about God and gardens. It is metaphorical history that speaks about a grace relationship between God gardens, and ourselves. Unlike the first chapter of the priestly account of creation in Genesis 1, where God speaks creation into existence, the Yahwist poet communicates that God didn’t speak the garden into existence but knelt down and fashioned a garden it out of dirt and placed our primal ancestors in the garden to live and care for the garden. It was a graced God’s space, but we alienated ourselves from the garden. This is perhaps more true than myth about contemporary humanity in the last two centuries as we have further disconnected ourselves from nature and gardens. For myself and many of the congregants, our garden is God’s graced space, and it grew of our decision to make the Earth a member of our church and our hope to restore our connection to the Earth. We have a remarkable garden in the urban space of North Hollywood. It is landscaped with flowers and indigenous California plants but also includes vegetables that we harvest and share with church members. Our folks tour the garden before to witness the latest blooms and sit in the garden to talk after service.

Our garden is truly a gift, literally because every plant has been donated by members, by stakeholders using our facility, and even by strangers. Gardens are gifts of natural beauty, with an abundant network of life. Gardens are works of art intended to be enjoyed. We co-live with them and participate in them whether as gardeners or visitors. We have a relationship with a garden whether we cultivate and care for the plants or are a visitor meditating and enjoying the garden.
I have watched our church gardener for years, tenderly caring for each plant, watering, pruning, planting or transplanting, fertilizing, mulching, or enjoying. It is his spirituality, and he communicates with and listens to each plant. Our gardener is a member of our pastoral team, and he takes seriously that he has a pastoral responsibility to the Earth since we made the Earth a member of our congregation. He listens to the plants in the garden and is attentive to their needs. I commented to him several weeks ago how much his listening skills and compassionate care for congregants have matured with remarkable attentiveness and kindness to church members. I attribute this growth in pastoral skills to his listening and attentiveness to life in the garden. The garden has provided him with a pedagogy of listening and care, transferable also congregants.

The second truth about gardens is that they create a holy place where the sacred and nature come together. I experienced profound truth that God loves gardens and creates gardens. Dorothy Francis Gurney writes, “One is nearer God’s heart in a garden/ Than anywhere else on earth.” Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw also observes, “The best place to seek God is in a garden.” How many of us find now God in our own gardens, church gardens, botanical or urban gardens, or the wilderness gardens of the Earth? I treasure my daily prayer time in our garden, often spent with companion dog.

Early Christians grasped the depth of meaning of the garden scene between the risen Christ and Magdalene. They understood that God is a gardener, for God began the gardening process of creation, and God the Gardener is lost in a kind of revelry or enjoyment on the Sabbath in Genesis. Since the garden is so lovely and so interesting, there is no other place that God wants to be, for God wants to attend to the garden and the gardeners. God’s hands are dirty from garden care fashioning and creating. In the poetry of the book of Genesis, God the Gardener takes clay, breathes into clay, and fashions the first earthling–adamah. Dr. Daniel Hillel, a soil physicist, observes that the feminine Hebrew noun adamah indicates humanity’s origin and humanity’s destiny. In other words, we are tethered to the Earth from beginning of our lives to the end of our days. This is a profound truth of earthly embodiment and foreshadowing our destiny to return to the Earth until we resurrected from Earth tomb as plants arises from the soil.

Of note in Genesis 2, God takes human beings and places them in a garden, and it is paradise because it is the place where humans can walk, talk, and intimately meet God in a graced space, and we can enjoy the beauty of the garden together. Hillel writes,

The ancient Hebrew association of man with soil is echoed in the Latin name for man, homo, derived from humus, the stuff of life in the soil. This powerful metaphor suggests an early realization of a profound truth that humanity has since disregarded to its own detriment. Since the words “humility” and “humble” also derive from humus, it is rather ironic that we should have assigned our species so arrogant a name as Homo sapiens sapiens (“wise wise man”). It occurs to me, as I ponder our past and future relation to the earth, that we might consider changing our name to a more modest Homo sapiens curans, with the word curans denoting caring or caretaking, as in “curator.” (“Teach us to care” was T.S. Eliot’s poetic plea.) Of course, we must work to deserve the new name, even as we have not deserved the old one.

Gardens provide not only a Sabbath delight to God but also to ourselves because they are created space for intimate encounters that have been made fragrant to the smell and pleasurable to our senses. We have two primary relationships to a garden—actually as care-taking or as visitor invited to take care and preserve the garden. God loves and takes delight in gardens whether it is the immense garden that we describe as universe or the smaller Earth garden named Eden. And I understand this mystery as I and others sit in our meditation garden to pray and meet God or meet Christ each other in the garden while we share refreshments and conversations on a Sunday morning.

Czechoslovakian writer and gardener Karel Apek writes the following in his lovely book The Gardener’s Year. He describes a gardener, but I want you this Easter to imagine that he is speaking about God the Gardener.

I will now tell you how to recognize a real gardener. “You must come to see me,” she says; “I will show you my garden.” Then, when you go just to please her, you find her with her rump sticking up somewhere among the perennials. “I will come in a moment,” she shouts to you over her shoulder. “Just wait till I have planted this rose.” “Please don’t worry,” you say kindly to her. After a while she must have planted it; for she gets up, makes your hand dirty, and beaming with hospitality she says: “Come and have a look; it’s a small garden, but —– Wait a moment,” and she bends over a bed to weed some tiny grass. “Come along. I will show you Dianthus musalae; it will open your eyes. Great Scott, I forgot to loosen it here!” she says, and begins to poke in the soil. A quarter of an hour later she straightens up again. “Ah,” she says, “I wanted to show you that bell flower, Campanula Wilsonae. That is the best campanula which —– Wait a moment, I must tie up this delphinium . . .”

In the above description, I enjoy the delightful image of God as a female Gardener, poking, tilling, fussing, watering, fertilizing, and tenderly caring and fussing over her garden with a wonderful hat. As I earlier claimed, gardens are pure gift. We receive them as networks of abundant life, and they are places of life-giving beauty—splashes of color, designs that still our soul, and intoxicating scents that incite enjoyment. They still storms of raging emotions for a few moments, and they center us on beauty of life and the one who has graciously given life. For myself, our garden teaches me about God’s grace, it is a convergence of the scripture of the natural world and our written scripture. It speaks of resurrected life of Easter grace and God’s beauty.

Now Golgotha, the place of the skull, where Jesus was crucified and others were murdered by the Romans, was not far from the garden tomb, where the crucified Jesus was laid to rest. Golgotha was near the garbage or refuse heap of Jerusalem. In reflecting on our garden, I have grown to understand Golgotha as composter, a place of death where God uses the compost of Jesus to raise Jesus up from the garden tomb and bring new life to the Garden of the Earth.

On Easter morning, Mary Magdalene stood weeping outside the empty tomb in the garden, and she found no emotional peace in the garden. She spoke her emotional anguish and grief to one she thought was a worker in the garden. Jesus appears to her in the garden, symbolic of Eden resurrected and restored to a new fullness and the cosmos yet coming to life fully within God. She recognizes the gardener as her Teacher only when he calls her by name.
What Easter morning proclaims is the good news that, out of destruction and death, Jesus rises from the earthen tomb as the new Adam or resurrected adamah from the soil. God the Gardener, who planted a garden in Eden and then raised Jesus to new life in a garden, is still at work creating life and beauty in our world. No wonder at the empty tomb in the garden did the risen Christ appear to Mary Magdalene as the gardener. Her mistaken identification of the risen Jesus as the gardener bears much prophetic truth. Jesus, in fact, is the Gardener who transforms our lives now and finally and becomes at the same time the ultimate Garden where we meet the God of life anew and profoundly.

Magdalene’s inclination is to touch or to cling onto Christ. She reaches out to cling to Jesus, but Jesus tells her that she cannot continue to hold on this way as his resurrection transformation is not completed until his body becomes transformed from one plane of existence into the entire eco-system. The resurrection of Jesus is not only the radical transformation of the crucified Christ but the “green” transformation of all things in God. All things become divinely interconnected through the risen Christ as he described himself to his disciples at the Last Supper as the vine connected to the branches and Abba God is the vine-grower or the gardener. (Jn. 15:1-ff.) This strengthens the irony of Magdalene’s mistaken identity of Jesus as the gardener. The risen Christ now assumes the divine position of being God’s garden and the Gardener at the same time. Ultimately, what gardens and Christ’s resurrection have in common is the gift of abundant life. The sense of gift is the heart of the Easter experience–bringing surprise, abundant life, hope, and emotional peace and tranquility.
Magdalene and the other disciples were called to follow in the steps of the Christ the Gardener. They were invited to participate in the important job of co-creating and co-participating, co-creating, and co-living with the Spirit in giving life to the garden and bringing that garden to the fullness where God intends. As gardeners, Christians co-create gardens to help others find and meet God.

But God’s garden, the Earth, is dying, and human beings are responsible for killing the garden through our impact on climate change. Our reckless greed for fossil fuels and reckless exploitation of the Earth’s resources at the expense of other life has jeopardized God’s garden. One of the contributing causes is humanity’s disconnection with the Earth; we have separate ourselves from the web of life. We are separated from gardens and need to reconnect with gardens as intimate part of faith experience.

The most urgent need of today and the next decades is the transformation of humanity to reconnect intimately with our garden the Earth. Our arrogance has led to a radical disconnection and alienation from the Earth, and we have ravaged, exploited, and damaged the Earth garden and its life. We as Christians need to foster a gardening spirituality that not only connects us with our foundational experience of Easter but overcomes our arrogant separation from nature by learning to reconnect reverently to the web of interrelated life. The key to human immersion is to re-discover the wonder, enchantment, and beauty of God immanent in the natural world. I have witnessed as people fall in love with nature, they will fight for what they cherish and love.

Thomas Berry, a Christian eco-theologian or self-described as a “geologian,” points out that humanity must learn to listen to the language of the Earth. Natural phenomena—plants and other life—have their own language, and the natural world resonates with the voice of the Creator and Gardener. Just as the gardener in my church learned to listen to the voices of each plant and the birds in our church garden and just as I sit attentive in the garden, listen to the voices of the Earth in the garden and pray. I discover the resurrected Gardener who teaches me what Thomas Berry describes as “wonder-filled intimacy” with all life and the planet Earth.

All human resources are required to heal, nurture, cultivate, and restore health to God’s garden. It is the fundamental revelation of Easter that we follow Christ as disciple gardeners. We create gardens and cultivate and care for gardens, for gardens are on a spiritual quest. Human beings have sought the Garden of Eden as place where God and humans once co-lived. But God has promised us something greater—what God intended with the garden of the universe and the Garden of Eden—is to create them into a cosmic resurrection garden—where we walk once again with intimacy God in the garden.

We in the United Church of Christ are called to be healers of the wounds of the Earth—making amends for our sins of consumptive greed and for placing our heads in the sands. It starts with a personal conversation and mistaken identity that began on Easter Sunday when Christ appeared to Magdalene in the Garden and invited us to participate in God’s mission of gardening the Earth. Easter is about gardening the Earth and nurturing life on the Earth for God. One of my favorite quotes that I will conclude my Easter Garden reflection:
When crated the earth, God “made room” for us all and in so doing showed us the heart of divine life, indeed all life, is the generous and gracious gesture. As we Garden, that is, as we weed out the non-nurturing elements within us and train our habits to be more life promoting, we participate in the divine life and learn to see and feel the creation as God sees and feels it.

Help commit yourself and your church this Easter to become gardeners of the Earth for Christ the Gardener and re-covenant your congregation and yourselves with the risen Christ and the garden of the Earth. You can do so by forming an Environmental Justice team in your congregation, join or create Environmental Team in your Association and/or Conference, and definitely connect yourself and your community to the Environmental Ministries of the United Church of Christ. Explore the denominational Environmental Ministries website. (http://www.ucc.org/search_results?q=environmental+justice) Take a virtual tour that is explore the site and its multiple levels of resources, play with the site, led the Spirit and your curiosity direct yourself. I did and that, and the Holy Spirit brought me into the UCC by the wonderful resources and documents that I discovered as a gardener of the Earth. Make sure your conference website and church website has listed environmental justice resources and interconnections. Let the Spirit help you discover as Mary Magdalene did that Easter is the celebration of God’s Garden and risen Christ as the Gardener.

The King of the Upside Down Kingdom Palm Sunday) Mark 11:1-11

Jesus preached the kingdom of God. In today’s gospel, we catch a window into the subversiveness of Jesus. He is most anti-king king. When Jesus preached the kingdom of God, his audience would have images and association kingship—such as Kings as David from Jewish history or immediately Herod Antipater or Tiberius Caesar. People would have imagined Jesus’ kingdom with notions of royalty, power, luxury, and privilege. The Emperor Constantine declared Jesus Christ the Pantocrator (Ruler of the entire Universe), hoping that Christians would understand his own title Emperor as mirroring the imperial rule of Christ. For centuries after, Christians worshipped Christ the King and eventually set aside the last Sunday before the start of Advent to honor the Christ the King.
Some of Jesus’ disciples and later Christians missed the intentions of what Jesus meant by God’s kingdom. David Boulton in his book, Who On Earth is Jesus?, writes,

The historical Jesus was a first-century Jew in a Hellenized Roman empire, immersed in a monotheistic Judaism…. The kingdom he preached and promised was a kingdom conceived in with the particular, distinctive religious and social culture, expressed (and subtly modified) in the language of the culture. His glimpse of an alternative reality, his envisioned paradise regained, was a kingdom; the king was God. There was no other language available to a Galilean peasant-artisan unacquainted with Philo and Plato….

.Some of Jesus’ disciples literalized his message about God’s kingdom, and even his Jewish opponents and the Romans literalized their understanding of God’s kingdom. All those followers of imperial Jesus literalized his kingdom message to support an imperial Christianity, often violent, prone to military aggression and spiritual conquest, and globalization.

But as I have said so often, Jesus was not a literalist, he spoke in metaphor and parable, fully of irony and paradox, often with a flair what we might call “camp” with a critical, prophetic or queer edge. He preached God’s dream for us, a world order that was inclusive, without hierarchy, without violence; sharing of goods, wealth, and food; filled with love. He understood that this alternative reality that he called kingdom was to understand that we lived as if God was really part of our world, living in our midst. His expectation was that we lived with love for neighbor and enemy alike, forgiveness extended beyond what we could imagine, practicing compassion as God’s compassion for us, and peace-making. It was a place where the first were last, and the last and least were the most important. The only human competition was that his disciples would compete to be the least in humility like a child and utmost generous of their service, time, and whatever they would share.

Many Christians for ages have interpreted “kingdom of God” with a patriarchal lens or male conception of kingdom and power fused together. Christians like Constantine and the succession of Christian leaders have elevated Jesus to King of the Universe, the imperial Christ. They used it to divinize their kingship, papacy, or leadership. Or most recently, kingdom is used to spiritualize the gospel. In other words, Jesus’ kingdom message is not about political reality but spiritual and heavenly reality, that is, the world to come in heaven. This has allowed Christians to support that status quo and ignore the poor.
Kingdom is certainly a political and social symbol used by Jesus. It has personal and spiritual dimensions. When Jesus, however, spoke the Aramaic malkuta dismayya or “kingdom of God,” it has the meaning of God’s ruling or predominant actions. Diarmuid O’Murchu translates it into the English idiom, “empowerment,” but qualifies it even further with “empowerment through mutuality.” The famous Jesus Dominic Crossan scholar, with whom I spent time at CSUN last Tuesday, translates it “companionship of empowerment.” Now these translations by “empowerment through mutuality” or “companionship of empowerment” open up new images of God not as patriarchal ruler and judge but co-creator in our midst—Emmanuel, God with us.

For Jesus, God was king unlike all kings and rulers. God’s rule was “queer,” meaning “not fitting in, strange, at odds with, out of place, disruptive, revolutionary, dangerous, outside the box, or my word “mischievous.” It is a topsy-turvy non-ruling but luring us through unconditional gift and love.
The Temple high priest and his colleagues brought Jesus before Pilate with the charges: “He perverted the nation.” Here “perverted” means inverting religious values, hierarchies, breaking all sorts of purity codes and religious laws for the sake of compassion. Jesus was always out of place, a peasant was meant to be quiet and subservient to the rulers of the Temple.

Let’s examine today’s gospel a little more carefully. Unfortunately the distribution of palms on Palm Sunday has become a spiritual blessing for us today. Many Christians tie up their palms into a bow and hang the palm crosses in their homes. And I am not opposed to anyone doing so. But Palm Sunday has a deeper meaning than just the palms. Jesus rides on donkey into Jerusalem accompanied by a ragtag group of male and female disciples.

Jesus enters Jerusalem or to use biblical scholar Warren Carter’s phrase “making an Ass of Rome:” The conflict between Jesus and Pilate begins the day that Jesus enters in Jerusalem on the back of a donkey and praised as the “Son of David.”

Roman entrances into city were always triumphant. No red carpets, but soldiers trumpeting, followed by cadence war drums sounding the entrance of the conquering hero. In this case, it was Pilate who represented the triumphant Roman Empire and Emperor Tiberius. Days before rode on a war horse from the sea resort of Caesarea followed by marching his Roman legionnaires with standards, Pilate entered Jerusalem as conqueror and made it clear to the populace that the Rome in charge of their city and their lives. They paraded and displayed extravagantly the power of Tiberius Caesar and Rome. It communicates Roman greatness and military power, reminding the crowds that they were conquered by the powerful Roman legions—the greatest power in the world blessed by the Gods. Augustine was the true Son of god, the god Apollo, and the savior of the world.

But Jesus intends to literally make an ass of Pilate and Rome. He choreographs his own dramatic and symbolic entrance into Jerusalem. He adopts some of the Roman trappings but queers them or rather mischievously reframes them as symbolic challenges. His entrance into Jerusalem reminds the Jews of their religious history in which God enters the holy city to serve, not dominate. He chooses an ass, not a war horse in which Pilate rode into the city. He uses dramatic parody of the Roman triumphant procession to point out to his disciples and the people. Matthew remembers the line from the prophet Zechariah: “Tell the daughter of Zion, your king is coming on an ass”(9:9). The rest of the verse states that your king comes triumphant and victorious, and humble riding an ass.
Jesus is recognized as a king, or more likely anti-king. He is teaching humility, non-violence, and peace-making, empowerment through mutuality and service, not conquest and domination. God’s community does not consist of military domination but is constituted by a new a kinship as children of God—not be wealth, prestige, gender, or ethnicity. It is constituted by God as Abba, parent in love with all and equally.

Jesus lives what he teaches—as meek and lowly in heart. He identifies with the suffering poor, the throw-away people, the powerless and humiliated—those whose spirit is crushed by Roman military. He parodies Rome’s imperial power and Pilate with God’s rule that promotes unconditional love, humility, and mutual service and respect for the least and the expendable..

Another example of this last week of Jesus’ life that reveals God’s actions among people as empowering mutual companionship is the Last Supper. Companionship is created when we share food together. Companionship was based on exclusion. As side note, how many Christian tables have exclusively functioned like the Temple or the Pharisaic tablefellowships.

There is no question that for Jesus the table had to be open and inclusive. I cannot accept the readings of the Last Supper as an exclusive meal. It goes against the very nature of who Jesus was. People from the highways and byways were to be invited into the meals. It was populated with diversity: outcasts, prostitutes, abominable people, tax collectors, those folks that terrify Pharisees and Christians alike. He did not moralize, berate them how to change their lives, or threaten them that could not share the table if they did not change their ways.

Jesus disrupted their normal behaviors in an oppressed world. He would assist them to realize the joyous presence of Abba God to undo their defensive selves, centered on themselves and their own survival. In Christianity’s Dangerous Memory, Diarmuid O’Murchu describes Jesus’ parables, healings, and ministry. It is equally applicable to his meals and his to Last Supper:

They defy the criteria of normalcy and stretch creative imagination toward subversive, revolutionary engagement. They threaten major disruption for a familiar manageable world, and lure the hearer (participant) into a risky enterprise, but one that has promise and hope inscribed in every fiber of the dangerous endeavor.

There were no hierarchies at table, no one in charge and in power. There were only those who voluntarily served others, gladly washed the feet of their companions, who assisted folks at table to heal from the years of religious abuse and oppression. Jesus encouraged them to dream a future with hope, with God with shared resources and the abundance of food created by the companions of the bread and the cup.

Jesus’ Last Supper, like all his meals, undid social ordinary patterns and hierarchical behaviors, introducing people into a new egalitarianism, an equality before one another and God. On the other hand, Roman and even Jewish religious meals had definite social hierarchies from seating at table, first served and so. No Roman official like Pilate would ever serve food to another person, especially with a male lesser of status or serve even his wife. No religious Jew would invite men and women together at table, suspected impurity and sinfulness. The seating in Jewish religious meals would observe hierarchical seating of men and women off to the side. Hierarchical leadership was the norm during Jesus’ time.

And then there is the radical service of Jesus at table that evening– washing the feet of his male and female disciples. This was the service of only household slaves or women. No free male would do such a washing service because it demeaned his masculinity and patriarchal authority. Jesus turns the social hierarchies inside out, breaking down the gender boundaries and social hierarchies. For Jesus, this exemplified that there are no social hierarchies and gender hierarchies in God’s reign. There is only table fellowship of mutual service and equals, revering those who were the socially least, and inviting the disciples to imitate Jesus in his act of foot-washing.

One of the ways I look at our communion lines is to remember how in the cities the poor line up for distribution of food lines created by dominant society. We, on Sunday, line up for Sunday communion in no special order and the celebrants receive community last. This is Jesus’ etiquette at table of God’s reign where we experience an unconditional handout of grace, forgiveness, and love. We should be so undone by God’s love for us as to break our self-centeredness for the revolutionary moments of self-giving and love to others. We live and experience God’s mutually empowerment and companionship at table. And this is Jesus’ message of God’s reign among us and its transformational impact upon people. Imagine if people lived that way, God’s revolution would take place overturning the tables in the Temple and overturning Roman oppressive rule. God’s activity changes the rule of empires with a logic of grace, love, forgiveness, mutual service, and forgiveness. No human empire can withstand the mischievous the presence of God’s reign; it was a dangerous message of Jesus that resulted in the complicit agreement of the Temple leadership and Pilate to remove such a dangerous person who might infect other people with the notion of God’s unconditional grace and love. Welcome to the upside down and topsy-turvy reign of God.

Disarming Ourselves: The Way of Jesus

Jesus is a dangerous religious figure. His message has been distorted so often into something that he would not recognize or he would be horrified that those in his name would claim as the inspiration of violence. We have Mennonites a Christian sec who have rejected violence of all sorts, and on the other hand, we have violent fundamentalist Christians who believe in the wholesale slaughter of non-Christians such as Muslims or the wrong kind of Christians such as ourselves. There is a Orange County lawyer trying to place a measure on the California ballot the execution of anyone who marries another person of the same-gender. This position, he claims, is biblically based on the Leviticus verse: “If a man sleeps with a man like a woman, it is abomination, and they should be put to death. In Terrence McNally’s play Corpus Christi, when Bartholomew and Matthew tell Jesus/Joshua that the priests will not marry them citing the Leviticus verse, Jesus/ Joshua says to them with some appropriate humor, “Why would memorize such a horrible verse?”

Jesus was dangerous man to the Romans. A second century theologian and clergy, Origen wrote extensively a number of works. He quoted a saying of Jesus that came down outside of the gospels. Listen to the saying: “Who is close to me is close to the fire, who is far from me is far from the kingdom.” It is dangerous to be with Jesus and to follow Jesus—to risk catching fire. One of favorite theologian Johan Baptist Metz describes following Jesus and living his message as the “dangerous memories of Jesus.”

Jesus rejected disciples who wanted to steer his movement towards violence. His priority was the love of God but he yoked this love of God to unconditional love for fellow human beings. We Christian call this the “Golden Rule” because it is the core of Jesus’ ministry. In his sermon on the mount, Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Mt. 5:9) Later he preaches,

You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also; and if anyone would sue you and take your coat, let him have your cloak as well; and if any one forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to him who begs from you, and do not refuse him who would borrow from you. “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, (Mt. 5:38-44).

Jesus remained an example of non-violence to his disciples and future disciples. I will name a few who followed Jesus the peacemaker in early Christianity and later a few contemporary followers of peace-making. Jesus was dangerous because he modeled the non-violence of God to the fullest. He live, taught, and died non-violence. He demonstrates to us what it means to be non-violent even to death on the cross. To the Romans, Jesus’ rejection of war and violence were threatening because Roman authority was based on the threat of military force, terror, and crucifixion. Jesus was building a movement based on love and non-violent resistance to coercive and military authority. He was considered a trouble-maker, a religious fanatic. The Romans cruelly tortured him, humiliated him, mocked him, paraded him a sign of masculine weakness before Roman power, and then crucified him on the cross. This was to break Jesus kingdom movement, dishearten and break the spirit of following Jesus in this dangerous movement.

John Yoder, a Mennonite theologians writes.

The cross of Jesus is the extreme demonstration that agape seeks neither effectiveness nor justice, and is willing to suffer any loss or seeming defeat for the sake of obedience. In short, Christians are to live and love like Jesus, (and) know that in spite of the way things appear, God’s purposes will prevail with the coming of God’s kingdom: the resurrection of Jesus is proof that love cannot be conquered even if evil does its worst. With this assurance, Christians do not need to seek control, to make things come out right.

Yoder believed in radical love and forgiveness that Jesus lived, preached, and died for. He was one of the great Christian activist for non-violence in the 20th century.

Jesus’ disciples and later generations of Christians did not use the cross as a symbol of their faith; it was a symbol of Roman violence and the horrible death of Jesus the Christ. They adopted the symbol of the fish, the memory of his multiplying the fish for people to eat together and his meals that celebrated forgiveness, unconditional love, and non-violence.

The followers of Christ in the first three hundred years renounced war and violence in all their forms. Origen, a 2nd century Christian theologian wrote, “We Christians do not become fellow soldiers with the Emperor, even if he presses for this.” Christians were menace to the Roman state. Tertullian, a Roman centurion in North Africa, converted to Christianity and publicly promoted the conversion of Roman legionnaires to Christians so that they would not fight.

Another Christian theologian and clergy, Hippolytus of Rome promoted a subversive Christian discipleship of non-violence, “A soldier of the civil authority must be taught not to kill men and to refuse to do so if he is commanded, and to refuse to take an oath. If he is unwilling to comply, he must be rejected for baptism. A military commander or civic magistrate must resign or be rejected. If a believer seeks to become a soldier, he must be rejected, for he has despised God.”

The Roman Empire was maintained by the force and threat of its military. Christians in their pacifism threatened the very power and existence of the Empire whose Pax Romana or peace was based on constant war and cruel violence, enslaving women and children and crucifying the men. Christian provided a subversive theology that threatened the strength of the Roman Empire. In 274 CE, there was a Roman soldier in Numidia, present day Algeria, who had a son Maximilianus and who was drafted into the military. He told the pro-consul Cassius Dion, that he was a follower of Christ: “I cannot serve as a soldier. I cannot do evil. I am a Christian.” He refused his father’s pleas to serve in the Roman legion and the pro-consul, and Maximilianus is the first conscientious objector martyred in history. (Kurlansky) He was turned into saint by the Church.

The emperor Constantine converted as he was going into battle, and he a vision of Christ’s cross with the words in hoc signo vinces or “in this sign, conquer.” The cross was painted on the shields of Constantine’s troops and they won the battle of the Milvian Bridge, leaving Constantine as the sole Emperor of the Empire. Constantine’s mother St. Helena conveniently found the true cross on which Jesus was crucified buried in the hills where Jesus was supposedly was executed. It was believed to be made of wood from the Garden of Eden. Constantine was later made a saint, and in the Greek Orthodox Church, he is considered a saint equivalent to the apostles. This marks a watershed moment when Christianity moved from a pacifist religion to a violent religion. The lethal instrument of the cross used by Romans to terrified and intimidate conquered populations, used to crucify Jesus, now once again became a symbol of violence.

After Constantine made Christianity the state religion, the Roman Empire changed Christianity from a non-violent religion to religion of violence and using violence and warfare to promote itself. Jesus’ teachings of non-violence, forgiveness, unconditional love, and peace-making were dismantled. Christianity lost its non-violent edge and became violent. Later it would promote crusades, bishops and popes engaged in conquest and persecution. It became the Church waving and carrying the cross, the instrument of death of its founder and God’ child Jesus Christ.

But towards the end of Constantine’s reign, there were others who clung to Jesus’ message of non-violence. There is a story of Martin who served in the Roman legions for two years and converted to Christianity. He refused to take up arms in an impending battle. He said, “I am a soldier of Christ, I cannot fight.” (Kurlansky) Martin was accused of being a coward. He offered to go ahead unarmed of the legion into the battlefield. But the Gauls negotiated a peace.

Two more groups I want to mention because it unmasks the violence on institutional Christianity, both Catholic and Protestant. The first is the Cathars in Southern France in the 12th century. They were an alternative form of Christianity whose members took a vow dedicated to the non-violence of Jesus. They were often vegetarians, because they did not believe in the killing of animals; they refused and did not believe in warfare and capital punishment. Catholic Christianity mounted a crusade to exterminate whole villages of Cathars in Southern France then followed by the Inquisition who tortured and murdered Cathars. You might ask what was their crime? They were exterminated mercilessly because of their commitment to live the non-violence of Christ.

Other Protestant groups such as the Amish, the Quakers, the Mennonites, and the Church of the Brethren who was the Famous Renaissance writer Erasmus were persecuted mainline Protestant denominations in the 17th century, and many of those churches fled to America seeking shelter from persecution and death. There were a number of Christian churches that took up Jesus’ practice of non-violence, and the violent Protestant and Catholic churches attempt to persecute and exterminate them. Their witness to the non-violent Christ became a danger to these churches and still do.

I want to suggest a bold statement: Peacemakers point to the peacemaking ministry of Jesus. Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Dorothy Day, Daniel Berrigan, John Dear, the Buddhst monk Thich Nhat Hanh, Dalai Lama, and Wang Weilen. The last Wang Weilin, the press called him “tank man” and the “unknown rebel.” To this day, the world does not know the name of this Chinese student in Tiananmen Square during 1989 non-violent uprising and protest. He stood in before a column of tanks and refused to meet the Chinese soldiers with non-violence. Every time the lead tank tried to drive around him, he stepped in front of the tank. He brought the column of Chinese tanks to halt, and this was filmed and broadcast all over the world. Two weeks later, the nineteen year old student was arrested and executed. He modeled the non-violent Christ, and he was crucified because his non-violence threatened to topple authority based on military force and violence.

Peace-making and non-violence are dangerous. Jesus embodied the non-violence of God in this world. He was dangerous because his gospel revealed that God “….loves enemies, the ungrateful, and he selfish, the good and the evil, the just and unjust, in all inclusive embrace.” (Walter Wink) God reveals to us an alternative way to violence and war, tried by the God’s incarnation Jesus Christ, disciples in history, non-violent Christian movements and churches only to follow the way of cross, crucified and killed.

I leave with you the most profound depth of our God who exemplifies a community of self-giving and unconditional love, gracious inclusion of us, and models for us a non-violent communion focused on sharing its divine nature of non-violence. I repeat the saying of Jesus preserved by Origen: “Who is close to me is close to the fire, who is far from me is far from the kingdom.” How can Christians be non-violent disciples of the non-violent Jesus Christ within a violent Christianity claiming to follow a violent Christ? This has been a long distortion of the gospel message of Jesus, and those who preserved Jesus’ message of making-making have come to the fire of Jesus and have suffered for their faithfulness to the vision of no-violent love, enemy love, and peace-making.
As we move closer to Easter Sunday, I want to end off with a meaningful idea of Christian peace activist John Dear,

If the God peace raised the revolutionary, peace-making Jesus from the dead, after Jesus had been executed by the state as a criminal, then the God of peace affirmed Jesus’ way of active non-violence and peaceful resistance to systemic injustice. We his followers, then, are called to embark on that same path of non-violence. The gift that the risen Christ gives to his community is the gift of his peace.
The peace of Christ be with you!

Christian Responsibility for the Hungry (Lk. 16:19-31)

Blessed are the hungry, for they shall be satisfied. Lk 6:21

It is our second Sunday of Lent where we snuff out the candle of hunger in our Lenten Wreath. Hunger besets our world. Here are some sobering facts: Over 800 million people suffer from malnutrition. Most people suffering from hunger are from developing countries, but people die from malnutrition in our own country. 5 million malnourished children die from hunger each year. (Catholic Relief Services) We live in the world’s wealthiest nation with vast agricultural production, and more than 40% of American households do not have enough to eat. Yet we live in a country where 1% of the population owns 40% of the wealth of the country. In Jesus’ time, 1% of the Romans owned 16% of the wealth. The 1% of the wealthy Americans have the ability to feed all the hungry in the world. And the scandal is how many children and people in our country are hungry. These include the homeless; the elderly on fixed income who can’t afford medication costs, utility costs and rent, and food—usually, food suffers; families who live below the poverty line. That is 18% of the people who live in the San Fernando Valley, that is 810, 000 persons around us. Or since the Supreme Court declared that corporations are to be considered as people, I find an extremely troublesome dilemma. Walmart has just raised the minimum wage from $7.25 to $9 hour for some four hundred thousand employees but do not allow them two work full time to secure benefits. This has created the situation that nearly $7 billion dollars in food stamps, medicaid and health bills, and subsidized housing is paid for these folks so that Walmart to be profitable and that Walton family to be one of the richest families in the world at the expense of the poor and those paying taxes. There is something unjust in this situation.

Hunger in our country and around the world is related to poverty, drought, famine, and extreme weather events, and war. Both hunger and poverty remain as a social concerns for Christians to assist those that Jesus called “the least of my family.” (Matthew 25:45).

Too many Christians read the Bible from the side of the powerful or socially comfortable, usually as a sin management text. But I have found the Bible a dangerous book to read, especially, the gospels for myself. I will give you an example: “Give us this day our daily bread” from Jesus’ prayer. The powerful and rich spiritualize the interpretation to refer to the Lord’ Supper or eucharist. Reading from this from below, from the perspective of the preferential option for the poor, Jesus’ prayer refers to hungry and the need for food
I always try to read scripture from the side of the poor, the suffering, and the vulnerable because God continues reveals God’s concern for the suffering, the hungry, barren women, eunuchs, the poor, the outsider, lepers, and the vulnerable. If we read the scriptures from the side of suffering, it makes a real difference how we understand the poor and the hungry as blessed or special in God’s affections.

Lent is a time of mindful reflection on our daily actions. I want to focus on the suffering and pain of the hungry. The world Bank and a number of International organizations issued a report last year, The State of Food Insecurity in the World (SOFI) 2014, has issued a millennium development goal for the next decade and a half to cut in half the numbers of malnourished people globally and to achieve the goal of ending hunger worldwide by 2030. This is morally right and just to end hunger of “the least of my family.” But we could end hunger today if people were committed.

Today’s gospel from Luke (16:19-31) is Jesus’ parable about a poor man Lazarus and wealth (Dives). The focus of Jesus’ story is the disparity between extreme wealth and poverty, abundant luxury and hungry suffering. The “gate” describes this is a wealthy mansion or palace with a wall to keep the poor outside. Jesus has brilliantly sketched the disparity of the 1% and lower spectrum of the 99%.

He describes the rich man dressed in “purples and fine linens,” indicating royalty and extreme wealth, who “feasts sumptuously each day.” In contrast is Lazarus, lying (or the word in Greek means “thrown down” or “afflicted”). He is “thrown down” by the forces of unmentioned misfortune. In others words, Lazarus is crippled physically and spiritually, he is constantly hungry and suffers from sores from a skin condition—malnutrition or chronic disease. Even the dogs come and lick Lazarus’ sores. He has lost his ability to beg for food.

Jesus communicates how hungry he is as longing to satisfy his hunger with the scraps fallen from the rich man’s table. This phrase indicates a custom that we would not recognize today. In the ancient Greco-Roman world, the wealthy used loaves of bread as napkins. They wiped their hands on bits of bread and then let them drop to the floor for the household pets.(Herzog) This communicates conspicuous consumption and luxurious waste to Jesus’ peasant audience where every scrap of food was precious, especially when you had nothing to eat.
He sits outside the gate of the rich man’s house. He suffers from sores and is very hungry. Lazarus hopes to receive some of the scraps of bread fallen to the floor when the wealthy man’s servants threw the garbage into the street.

The rich man’s crime is his absorption in his life of luxury, wealth, and abundance. You can imagine the table of the rich man, spread with a choice of food, delicacies, fruit and vegetables, and the best of wine. The rich man is walled in his estate with the poor and Lazarus outside the gate. The household dogs are let in to clean up the scraps while Lazarus receives nothing.
From the parable, Lazarus is neither virtuous nor non-virtuous. It is his condition of extreme poverty and hunger that is the focus of Jesus’ parable. Nor is the rich man particularly wicked. There is fixed and inseparable barrier between the two. The rich man is not even aware of the poor man’s existence—let alone hunger and suffering.

Lazarus is the only person given a name in any of Jesus’ parables. His name means “helped by God.” He is the focus of God’s attention. Jesus brings this out in the reversal after death. The rich man dies and is buried according to religious tradition. But Lazarus dies was either thrown into the garbage heap of the city for the birds and dogs to devour. The rich man goes to Hell, and the Lazarus is carried by angels to the side of Abraham. I can’t help remembering the verse from Mary’s prophetic song in accepting becoming the mother of Jesus: “God has brought down the powerful from their thrones and lifted up the lowly; God has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away empty.”

Jesus uses the reversal in the afterlife to stress how cares for the poor and hungry—those who are suffering, for now there is an even greater chasm than the previous wall between the rich man and Lazarus. The rich man cannot alleviate his punishment but asks Abraham to send Lazarus to his brothers to warn them. Abraham mentions that they already have the Torah and the Prophets—the scriptures. The rich man knows that this will not be enough to change the hearts of his wealthy brothers, for they will read the scriptures from the perspective of the wealthy, ignoring the multiple times that the scriptures says God care for the poor and suffering and the hungry.

The fundamental crime of the rich man is blindness to the hungry and suffering man outside the gate and his failure to hear God’s message in the scriptures that God cares especially for the poor and suffering. This point becomes very relevant to the many Christians in opposition to food distribution to the homeless or any other services given away without paying or earning the service—from health care, to welfare services, to educational subsidies. And the 1% get richer, and the chasm between the 1% and the 99% has become wider in the last three decades and even during the latest recession as many middle class folks have been squeezed out of the middle class.

Christians and businesses owned by Christians have pushed municipal governments to ban feeding the poor and the homeless. Nearly 40 cities have made it illegal to distribute food to the homeless. Even LA City Council was looking at such a banning of food distribution programs a year and a half ago. Some claim that food distribution programs to the homeless in the parks aggravate the situation by preventing the homeless from seeking help in recovery programs. Such restrictions or blaming the food distribution of food to the homeless not seeking recovery programs. Such blaming the poor results from bad theologies that claim I am prosperous because God has elected me and that you are poor because you have brought upon this yourself. There are people in congress who want to cut food stamps programs, and I want to shout them at the top of my voice that this is wrong. Jesus said, you are doing this to the least of my family.

As Christians, we have a responsibility to ensure that every person has access to basic material necessities, including food. We model this at table each Sunday where everyone is invited to come forward and share communion. No is excluded. This value emerges from the biblical notion of God’s preferential option for the poor and the vulnerable. How can we help the poor access food? How can we help them access a greater variety of food and other services?
We as Christians believe that feeding hungry people is an honorable and socially just endeavor, that farming is a noble vocation that gives great pride to those involved in it. We believe that we are responsible for promoting justice in our own lives, in our communities and in the world. We do this for the sake of our neighbors, future generations and all of God’s glorious creation. We believe that all of our actions have an effect on the common good of creation and that we carefully consider our personal and eating choices we make.

Jesus shared meals constantly as celebration of God’s forgiveness and presence in our midst with sinners, tax collectors, and prostitutes. He was accused of being a glutton and a drunkard. He drank wine to party with folks, yet there are Christians who rigorously will abstain from wine and all alcohol. Some have good reasons to abstain from alcohol because it has controlled them. The same can be said for many of us who are controlled by food.

We celebrate the Lord’s Supper every Sunday by sharing consecrated bread and grape juice. Is everyone called to the table? Is everyone’s presence expected at the table? Who is called to Christ’s table? Does Christ have any expectations of his disciples when they gather at his table? How are the disciples expected to treat one another? Paul face such questions in the Corinthian community. There were a few wealthy members who brought food for an agape meal with the breaking the bread and sharing the cup in memory of Jesus’ last supper. These wealthy folks refused to share the food that they brought with the poorer members of the community who went hungry. Hear Paul’s words: “Whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be answerable for the body and blood of the Lord.” (1 Cor. 11:27) The “unworthy manner” that Paul mentions is to selfishly not share with the brothers and sisters what you have brought.

We here on Sunday model a meal where all are welcome, no matter who you are or where you are on your journey, you are welcome to the table of God’s abundant grace. It is a free gift of God’s unconditional grace given to us. The meal models the hospitality that Christians who have been welcomed to the Lord’s table need to extent the same hospitality to those who are hungry, poor, in need, suffering, and vulnerable. When we become the like the rich man by ignoring the hungry and homeless on the streets. I passed a sign of a homeless person on the street on my way with Joe to Pantages Theater. The sign read, “Am I invisible?” It was the cry of the least of Christ’s family, calling for people to take note of his plight and assist him. How many of us walked by without seeing because we are so-absorbed in our own luxuries?

Listening to the Cries of the Earth and the Cries of the Poor (Climate Change Sunday)

The scriptures, both the Jewish and the Christian, present God’s concern for the poor (anawim). God has always been partial to the poor, the vulnerable, and the oppressed. To practice care for the poor means that we identify with the poor, listen to their struggles to survive and the tragedies that they experience. In the segment “Crimes Against Nature” from the video series, Renewal, we witness how mountain tops are wastefully harvested through explosions, toxic chemicals polluting the water table and streams harming humans and other life. I am deeply touched by the testimony of the mother who bathes her child in water laced with arsenic and other toxins. We hear the cries of the land as the coal companies explode the mountain tops and the cries of animal and human life. Here the poor are the cries of the Earth community and all life, human and non-human. They are the poor, and they will be the ones to most suffer the climate changes of the future. The poor always suffer while the wealthy have means to escape the ravages. God’s option for the poor includes the Earth and all life that inhabits the Earth. Albert Schweitzer remarked, “Ethics means unlimited responsibility for everything existing and alive.”

I want to address how we as Earth-centered Christians might approach the scripture and try to listen to voices of the Earth in the Bible and how Jesus gives an example how we relate to the cries of the Earth and the poor.

The prophet Hosea utters these words some 2600 years ago, but they could today over what humans are doing to the land.

Hear the words of the Lord, O people of Israel, for the Lord has a case against the inhabitants of the land. There is no faithfulness and loyalty, and no knowledge of God in the land. Swearing, lying, murder and stealing and adultery break out; bloodshed follows bloodshed. Therefore the land mourns, and who live in it languish, together with the wild animals and the birds of the air, even the fish of the sea. (Hosea 4:1-3)

This reading could be easily applied to human recklessness in mountain top harvesting of coal, destroying the environment, harming animal life and human beings alike for greed of energy. Here in Hosea we hear the land, the Earth voicing its indictment against humanity.

Humans are created in God’s image so they can exercise dominion of the earth. They ordered to subdue and dominate the Earth in Genesis 1. And this has become a human principle in dominating the Earth, exploiting greedily its resources, without any constraint or thought of future generations. Sallie McFague has three principles for human beings living with the Earth: Take your share (of resources), Clean up after yourself, and Keep the house (Earth) in repair for future occupants. These are good principles to remember as we live out vocation as “Green” or Earth-centered Christians.

First, Hosea states, ‘there is no faithfulness and loyalty, and no knowledge of God in the land.” Because of the command to subdue and dominate in the account of Genesis, humanity has often attempted to dominate, exploit recklessly, and without any thought than short term profitability and greed. But what about life impacted? What about the future for later generations? Hosea’s indictment that “no knowledge of God in the land” points to the secular devaluation of the Earth and other life to serve its own purpose. It has forgotten the wisdom that our ancestors and native people have long known…
We have lost our ability to listen to the voices of the land, the plants and trees, and animals and the voices of the sea. We ignore the agonized cries of all those from the Earth-community. There is a profound selfishness that ignores the poor and homeless and blame them for their plight.

We listen to the voice of the Earth here and other places in scripture. There are six “green” or creation-centered principles that we need to be aware of when we read the Bible according to biblical scholar Norman Habel who has shepherded the Earth Bible Project:

1) The universe, the Earth and all its components have intrinsic worth. All creation is loved by God.
2) The Earth is a community of interconnected living things that are mutually dependent on each other for life and survival.
3) The Earth is a subject capable of raising its voice in celebration and against injustice.
4) The universe, Earth and its components are a part of dynamic cosmic design within which each piece has a place to play in the overall goal of that design.
5) Earth is a balanced and divine domain where responsible custodians can function as partners with, rather than rulers over Earth, to sustain its balance and a diverse Earth community.
6) Earth and its components not only suffer from human injustice but actively resist them in the struggle for justice. Introducing Ecological Hermeneutics

These Earth-centered principles are used by Jewish and Christian interpreters of the Bible. Such readings shift a human-centric reading of scripture and provides a more inclusive creation-centered perspective, that is, a perspective from God.
I read the first reading from Hosea 4:1-3 as the cries and mourning of the Earth and the prophet Hosea hears those cries. It points to our need to carefully hear the cries of the Earth community today and give them voice to those unable to listen to the Earth.

Hosea observes, that the land mourns over those who live in it languish. Rather the Earth mourns the subversion of God’s created order depicted poetically in the creation account in Genesis. This time creation is reversed, from humanity to wild animals, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea. Israel. Now modern humanity, has upset the balance of God’s created order. So the Earth indicts humanity and mourns the degradation resulting from human destruction. Humanity has the destructive power and now the capability because our technology and industrial waste released into the atmosphere, into landfills, and into the oceans, we can undo the evolved created order of the evolution of a balanced Earth capable to support diverse life.

In Genesis 2, God gives humanity the mission to serve. God cares for all creation. How do we move from a human-centric perspective of acting towards the Earth to identify with the Earth community as siblings and seek the voices of the Earth community who are our sibling relatives?

There are several places in the scriptures to look for answer to my question. I want to look at Jesus an example. Certainly, Jesus was not aware of the environmental issues of today’s climate change, environmental degradation, and the extinction of species during his life. However, he had first-hand experience of domination by the Roman Empire and its colonization of Galilee and Judea. He witnessed the impact of conquest, spiraling indebtedness of peasants and their displacement from their farmlands, religious fundamentalism, and burdensome Roman and religious taxation, and so. Given the choice between domination and service, we see in the gospels that Jesus chose service. Here is his words in Mark 10:42-45)

You know that among the Gentiles those whom they recognize as their rulers lord it over them and their great ones are tyrants over them. But it is not among you: but whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave to all. For the Child of Humanity came not to be served but to serve and give his life as ransom for many.

Jesus’ commitment to service and compassionate care for the poor can be extended to the Earth and all life. Biblical scholar Norman Habel writes,

The way of Jesus –serving rather than dominating—clearly stands in tension with the mandate to dominate in Genesis 1. I would go so far as to say that the way of Jesus supersedes the mandate to dominate. (Habel, An Inconvenient Text)

The principle of Jesus is service as a slave. Jesus is freely choosing service as a slave, the lowest and humblest position in his society. His introduction of his disciples and his audience into the new ways of God’s reign is that of serving, not being served. Serving has the built-in notion of listening and caring for the needs of the “other.” Jesus chooses to serve rather than the path of domination and ruling.

He models for us in the 21st century how we might care for the Earth and its community of interrelated life. As the incarnation of God, Jesus models the most profound image of God. He defines God as who is other-centered in love and compassionate care.

I want to end with a story:

The Maori of New Zealand reenact the arrival of their ancestors from across the ocean more than a thousand years ago. They are confronted by four fierce guardians of the volcano, the ocean, the forest, and the wind. As they come unto the land, they hear the cry of mother Earth: will you be guardians of my land? Their call echoes the cry of the Earth in Genesis 2. Will you be my guardians? (Habel)

Indigenous peoples like the Maori are more in tune with listening to the voices of the Earth—the plants, the animals, ocean, forest, volcano, and wind. Indigenous peoples factor in their ability to co-live with the Earth; they focus their attentiveness on living with and maintaining the existence of other beings because other beings are our siblings and have the right to exist.

Brazilian theologian Leonardo Boff has spoken for the indigenous peoples of Brazil. He tells us modern folks we need to recover a shamanic consciousness:

Inside each of us lies the shaman dimension. That shaman energy causes us to stand speechless in the face of the immensity of the sea, to sense the eyes of another person, to be entranced on seeing a newborn child. We need to liberate the shaman dimension within us, so as to enter into harmony with all around us, and to feel at peace.

Will you follow Christ and use his principle of service to care for the Earth? Will you commit yourselves to be guardians of the Earth community this climate Sunday?

Join Me in the following Earth Covenant:

We, the MCC / United Church of Christ in the Valley, proclaim our love for God’s Creation and profess our belief that the Earth and all life are an interconnected part of the sacred Web of Life. We acknowledge we too are part of the Web of Life.

We covenant together to commit ourselves as a church and individuals in the great work of healing, preservation and justice as we strive to reduce our individual and collective negative impact on the environment and to repair the damage that has been done to God’s Earth. In worship and church life we will express our appreciation and give praise for the Earth and display a reverence for the Earth community of life. We commit ourselves to principles of taking only what we need, cleaning up our damage to Earth we do, and keeping the Earth in repair for the future.

We make this covenant in the hope and faith that through our Earth care we will be able to help improve and sustain the health of the land, air and water for the benefit of all current and future inhabitants of this Planet. Amen!

Friend of sinners (Lk. 7:33-35)

Jesus in the gospel reading is accused to be a “friend of sinners,” along with the charges of “a drunkard” and “a glutton.” Jesus also receives criticism of his feasting and not fasting like John the Baptist. A number of his parables describe banquets, weddings, parties, and celebrations, and it seems that he considered meals to be special occasions to enact the celebration of God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. The gospels, in particular Luke, portray Jesus going to meals or coming from them. His eating with sinners is mentioned frequently, and they form an important part of his ministry. Jesus scolds scribes and Pharisees for their table manners by taking the best seats. It is interesting that Jesus, who has no house of his own, enters another’s home and immediately takes over the household as the host of the meal.

The gospels associate him with disreputable people, tax collectors, sinners, and prostitutes. The scribes, connected to the Pharisees and the Temple priests, ask, “For what reason does he eat with tax collectors and sinners.” (Mk. 2:16) How do we answer the question?

Jesus first deliberately seeks out disreputable sinners and people; they are colorful folks. I understand that too well; overly religious people can be boring and snobbish. Disreputable people have colorful lives, they are interesting sinners. .
Secondly, have you ever noticed how righteous religious folks are always concerned about sin and sinners? This is true in Jesus’ time and our own. They are obsessed with sins of the flesh and ignore the sinful conditions that lead people into poverty and homelessness, the desperation of prostitution especially in patriarchal societies when women have little opportunity to earn a living. Or in our own time, the victims of war and disease, people denied basic human rights, undocumented workers, environmental degradation and racism, the exploitation of the planetary resources and consuming fossil fuels and releasing vast amounts of carbon and other toxic chemicals resulting in global warming.

I have a theory why self-righteous religious folks are concerned about sinners: First, it separates the pious from the sinner. Remember Jesus’ parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector.

To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable:   “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.  The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector.  I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’

“But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’

“I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (Lk. 18:9-14)

You can just here the sneer in his voice as he looks down with despise at the tax collector. By putting someone down and separating yourself from them, you have made yourself better than those people.

The religious self-righteous always excuse themselves from the need for repentance when they compare themselves with what they consider as sinners, the wicked, or the impure outsider. The tax collector, however, never repents or reforms his life; he humbly acknowledges himself a sinner and asks God for mercy. Jesus commends the tax collector who is a sinner.

Jesus ate and drank with sinners; he was proud of the title—“friend of sinners.” Jesus says, “Truly, I say to you that tax collectors and prostitutes will get into the kingdom of God before you.” ( Mt, 21:31) Jesus claimed that sinners were closer to the reign of God than the righteous religious people. But I want you to pay attention to the fact that Jesus seldom tells individual sinners to repent or reform their lives. He never concentrates on sexual sinners of prostitutes nor does the expected extortion and corruption of tax collectors.

There is only one story where Jesus says to the women caught in adultery. He defends the woman from her male accusers whose hearts are hardened against he. Jesus writes in the sand, indicating the law is written in sand and not hardened in stone. He tells the accusers, “Let anyone among you without sin throw the first stone.” The self-righteous accusers fade away, and Jesus comments,

“Has anyone condemned you?” She says, “No one sir.” Neither do I condemn you. Go your way, and from now on do not sin again.” (Jn 8:10-11)

The earliest manuscripts of John’s gospel does not have this story, and it was added as a floating story that made second or third generation followers of Jesus uncomfortable at his compassion with sexual sins. I suspect “from now on do not sin again” was added by a scribe in John’s community. Why do I say this? It does not fit in portrait of Jesus and his relationship with sinners in the other three gospels. It seems a third generation Christian addition when Christians were trying to prove that they were very moral to fit in the Roman Empire.

The other three gospels portray Jesus as befriending sinners with requiring repentance. Jesus generally does not single out common sinners, and his call to repentance is a generalized call to repentance to society in the opening of Mark’s gospel: “The time is fulfilled and the reign of God has drawn near. Repent and believe in the good news.” (Mk. 1:15)

Jesus frequently directed his message of repentance at the scribes, Pharisees, Sabbath fundamentalists, and or Temple priests or religious folks of high status. He engages actively in conflict with them, criticizing hypocrisy, religious abuse, oppression of the poor and the elderly, and the rich. He condemns such behaviors that abuse power or exploits the poor and the vulnerable. He challenges Sabbath fundamentalists who are upset with his violation of the Sabbath law to heal the afflicted or those lacking compassion for the sick and the poor. Jesus affirms that common sinners will enter God’s reign before them.

There is no question that Jesus upset the religious self-righteous and powerful because he did not require sinners to repent in the traditional manner of sin offering sacrifices. Jesus tells his holy critics, “Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’” (Mt. 9:11) On one level, Jesus is criticizing his accusers for their lack of compassion, and on another, he challenges their exclusionary practices and requirements for sin offerings. God’s forgiveness is already there in his meals celebrating God’s unconditional love.

Sinners and self-righteous both called Jesus “friend of sinners.” A closer look at the term helps to understand what is really going on when he does not require repentance of common sinners. He invited sinners into fellowship with himself to celebrate God’s forgiveness of sins. I want to share a quotation from the book Sinners by Greg Carey:

Jesus’ companionship with sinners opened the path for people to challenge his uprightness. Some people, perhaps many people, believed that a respectable religious leader like Jesus had no business cavorting with sinners. Yet Jesus identified himself with sinners. And some sinners joined his movement. That is how the Gospels tell it, perhaps, because early generations of Christians identified with the sinners of the stories.

So “friend of sinners” not only a title given to Jesus and his ministry, it also was his method of reaching out to sinners and bringing the good news of God’s unconditional acceptance and forgiveness of them.

I have left discussion of centering prayer reading from Sinners until last. The boy Brian imitates his father’s violence and threats of his mother by pulling a gun out of the gun cabinet and placing the barrel his mother’s chin, saying “If you say another word, I’ll blow your fucking head off.” Brian imitates his father’s violence with his sister over eating the last of the cereal and takes a gun and shoots his sister dead. His action is horrific, and he is sent to a youth home for his crime. A counselor tells him one day that he is a neat kid. Brian replied, “you wouldn’t say that if you knew why I am here!” And the counsellor said, “Of course, I do; we all do.” And Brian breaks down sobbing confronted with unconditional love and acceptance.

Jesus chose the method of companioning with sinners; he did not have to require them to repent. He proclaimed that God had forgiven them. They were beloved children of God, and God accepted them unconditionally, forgave them unconditionally, and love them without any string attached.

For Jesus’ critics, his companioning with sinners was offensive because it violated the purity laws with which they wrapped up their religious self-righteousness. Sin is after all very contagious; it will spread like a disease unless we guard against it. He proclaimed God’s forgiveness to them without requiring them to reform their lives with the traditional means of paying for a sin offering at the Temple. In fact, Jesus celebrated with sinners God’s forgiveness and unconditional acceptance in his meals; they celebrated God’s presence and forgiveness dining together.

Does the method of becoming a friend of sinners without repentance work? Many of his disciples were sinners—Levi the tax collector, Simon the Zealot, and Mary Magdalene. They changed the directions of their lives and became disciples as they experienced the blessing of God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. They changed their lives because they encountered God as love.

We companion with people who are hurt, oppressed, different, undocumented, and considered outcasts because our mission as disciples to become vehicles of God’s unconditional love to others. Often people change their lives by the radical unconditional love from God, and we become disciples to make the mission of Jesus as friend of sinners alive today. But we also are very conscious that we too miss the mark often and that we too are sinners but live with the climate of God’s extravagant love and grace. Many sinners, including myself, became followers of Christ as we felt God’s tender mercies and unconditional love for us.

As we read in the First Letter of John 4:7-11,
Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love. God’s love is was revealed among us in this way: God sent God’s only Child into the world, so that we might live through hi. In this love, not that we loved God but that God loved us and sent God’s Child…. Beloved since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another.
Jesus gave us an example of loving our enemies with unconditional love despite their hostility to us. God send us into places where are considered sinful because there we can be companions to the one Christ who was a friend of sinners.

Go and companion with sinners. Be friends and exude the unconditional love of God has for all sorts of sinners.

“Christ is Never without Water” (Mk: 1: 7-11)

The 2nd century North African Christian writer, Tertullian, wrote, “Christ is never without water.” Of course, you can say that Jesus’ body contained 60-65% water as an adult. I believe that it is significant that we as adults all contain water averaging between 55-65% of our bodies. New born infants contain about 75% water. Water is as important as blood in our bodies. And all life is connected with water.

In fact, the entire Bible is full of water images, for water plays a vital role from creation to the crossing of the Jordan River to the baptism of Jesus. There is a vital interconnection between water and all life for flourishing and survival. Water and its relationship to God in the Bible suggest the care of the Creator for creation, and water becomes the potential site of engagement with God’s Spirit. We frequently encounter God in or near water.

Today’s gospel reading narrates the story when Jesus is baptized in the waters of the Jordan River by John the Baptism Let me look at the baptism of Jesus. Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist has made Christians uncomfortable, for John baptized folks for the forgiveness of sins. Christians have been uncomfortable that Jesus was baptized for the forgiveness of his sins. They have had to rationalize Jesus’ baptism. For example, the 4th century bishop of Alexandria Athanasius declares: “When the Lord, as man, was washed in the Jordan, it was we who were washed in him and by him.” Athanasius shifts the focus of the baptism to Jesus representing humanity in the waters of baptism. That may be a good theological after thought.

However, if we look carefully at the baptism of Jesus, it is more than John’s baptism for forgiveness of personal sins. When Jesus merges from being immersed in the waters and as he grasps for breath, he experiences an epiphany of God. It is a revelation whereby God in the form of dove or the Spirit descends upon Jesus in the Jordan waters with these words: “You are my beloved child with whom I am well pleased.”

Jesus is born from the cosmic waters of the Jordan as the Spirit hovered over the waters of creation in Genesis. Jesus is born as the beloved child from heaven and earth. His baptism inaugurated his ministry of the reign of God. The Spirit’s descent upon Jesus as he emerged from the water dripping down his forehead, beard, and his hair wet transforms him into the beloved child of God. It was the Spirit who overshadowed the womb of Mary as Jesus was conceived. It is now the Spirit who transforms Jesus with God’s grace into the beloved child of God, commissioned to preach God’s kingdom in our midst. And Jesus’ baptism gives a new content to the baptism for forgiveness of John the Baptist.

There seems to be a very strong correlation between the water of baptism and water for daily use. The water of baptism represents life, the grace of God, renewal and hope. What better natural symbol for God’s life-giving grace! The yearning of Christians for baptismal water at whatever cost reflects an equally deep yearning in us for water for ordinary use. Our thirst for water is great metaphor for our thirst for the Spirit.

Jesus—as God’s incarnation—unites heaven and earth in himself. He is interconnected with the waters of creation and all life, and this is made clear in a theological insight by Edward Echlin:

When Jesus enter the Jordan, the waters and creatures dependent upon water, re sanctified by the presence of God’s word made flesh. All waters are connected—water is like the blood of the earth. All waters are cosmic. Sanctified, recreated, when the Spirit again moves of the waters at the Jordan at Jesus’ baptism.

If all waters are connected through the baptism of the beloved child of the earth and heaven, I like to repeat Tertullian’s observation: ‘Christ is never without water.” Christ’s grace—like living water– reaches every pore of our bodies, the bodies of creatures and plant-life, into the soils of the earth, with the rains from heaven falling on to the soil, in the wells and oasis streams, in bubbling springs and rivers, lakes, and the oceans that comprised much of our planet. The orthodox Syrian bishop Jacob of Serugh claims that “our Lord went down to the Jordan, and the whole of nature of water stirred with joy.” Many Christian writers have comprehended the baptism of Jesus as the beginning of the new creation. They understood water as an ever present symbol of God’s grace in Christ.

God’s grace is there in our baptism whether the waters are sprinkled on your forehead or you are immersed in the waters. You are immersed in the grace life of God. You become part of the body of Christ—connected by the Spirit to the Earth and all life and adopted as beloved children of Abba God. We and all life become virtual baptismal waters of Christ. We are Christ’s virtual water. The Holy Spirit is always about change, new life and transformations through grace, union with Christ and all creation.

Echlin again writes,

The faith of the church, with which baptized Christians are entrusted includes appreciation of the world’s waters, and the virtual water of the soil, because, in Jesus, God descended into the living Jordan, setting the waters afire. (Echlin)
All the waters of the Earth were set afire by the Spirit, the Spirit connected Christ to all waters.

Let me take your through a tour of the gospels of Jesus and water. It tells us much about Jesus’ baptismal ministry and our water discipleship.
But I think of all those places in the gospels where Jesus and water interact. I want to do a quick water tour of the gospel to understand the ministry of Jesus and its connection to water.

First there is Jesus walking on the waters of Sea of Galilee and invites Peter to join him, and of course, Peter sinks like a rock. Or there is Jesus, who awakes from a sleep in the boat with his disciples during a storm and calms the storm. Jesus is connected to the water ways of Galilee, its wells and streams, and beyond: the Jordan River and Sea of Galilee. By the shore of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus feeds five thousand plus folks with the multiplication of the loaves and the fish.

In John’s gospel, Jesus and water are connected more than any other gospel. There is Jesus first miracle at the Wedding of Cana, where he turns large barrels of water into wine. Water is transformed into wine for the merriment and joy of a wedding banquet. Weddings are fertile.

With the secret visit of Nicodemus at night, Jesus tells him: “No one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.” (Jn. 3:5) He connects water and Spirit together in a spiritual rebirth for the closeted disciple Nicodemus. The primal waters of creation are connected to the hovering of the Spirit, and ever since the symbolism of water for Spirit has been part of the Jewish and Christian traditions. The Spirit is the midwife of creation bringing life and renewed energy.

And in the next chapter, there is the marvelous scene between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well, telling the woman if she knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, “Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.” (Jn. 4:10) Jesus goes on to say: “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (Jn. 4:14)

In the discourse between Jesus and the Samaritan woman (John 4:7-15), we see the Samaritan woman asking for the living waters. Yes, she needed the water from Jacob’s well, but she also needed the living water even more. God gives Jesus to the world as the water of life, and Jesus offers himself to the world as the living water. This living water figuratively represents a blessing that reproduces itself, and like a spring, it is never exhausted. Through those suffering from water poverty, Christ in person of the poor is still begging for something to drink, for water, for the living water. Are we willing to share a cup of living water. In the upcoming season of Lent, as we deny ourselves comforts in order to feel the pain of others, may we come up with practical ways of standing in solidarity with the many who are still crying, give us water … the living waters! We might practice a little further personal restraint in our over consumption of water. The average American uses 100 gallons per day while the Navajo uses 7 gallons.

Water was scarce in Jesus’ day, yet water was as much a necessity for life then as it is today. Half of the world’s population today lives in arid regions where is not readily available nor clean water accessible. Just as the physical body needs water to continue living so does humanity and all life needs the water of the Spirit.

Jesus at the Festival of Booths in Jerusalem proclaims: “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. As the scripture has said, ”Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water.” (Jn. 7:37-38) The heart is the place of faith, for when we place our hearts in God, we connect to God, heart to heart. Jesus’ prophecy comes true, for when he dies on the cross and the centurion stabs Jesus in the chest with his lance, water and blood flow from the open wound on the dead body of Jesus. Water and Spirit are identified earlier in the gospel, and the gospel takes the flow of water with blood as a fulfillment of Jesus’ earlier prophecy that rivers of living water will flow from his heart. Jesus’ glorification by Abba God has begun with death, for he handed over his Spirit. Jesus says earlier in John, “When you lift of the Child of Humanity, then you will realize that I AM.” (Jn. 8:28 f) And the water represents the beginning of his pouring out his Spirit.

There is a Homeric legend in the Iliad that the gods did not have blood in their veins but a type of blood mixed with water. In epic poem, Aphrodite– in combat before the city of Troy–is wounded, and she bleeds a mixture of water and blood. And this signifies the divinity of Aphrodite. This is how Gentile converts would understand the stabbing the side of Jesus.

At the Last Supper, Jesus strips off his cloak, and like a slave or woman, he washes the feet of his disciples. This act of foot washing has often been connected to baptism and the death of Jesus. Jesus performed this servile action to prophesy that he would be humiliated in death. He has acted out a parable of humble service for his disciples which they must be prepared to imitate. He is reminding them “no servant is more important than his master.” Christians have connected baptism to the death of Jesus, his resurrection, and his gift of the Spirit. If we die with Christ in the waters of baptism, we are baptized into the risen Christ.In Mark’s gospel, Jesus is asked by his disciples where he wants to celebrate the Passover. He gives this very strange instruction:

Go into the city, and a man carrying a jar of water will meet you, follow him, and wherever he enters, say to the owner of the house. “The Teacher asks, “Where is my guest room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?” (Mk. 14:13-14)

It would have been socially improper for a man to do this type of women’s work of drawing water and carrying it back to his master. Some commentators have said this is the equivalent in our times of Jesus instructing the disciples to look for the gender bending man—cross-dressing, wearing a wig and with make-up. While it would be anachronistic to suggest this man may have been queer-identified in our modern sense, he was certainly transgressing a strict gendered boundary in his behavior. Jesus seems to be aware of this gender variant man. It is interesting to speculate about his relationship with the man carrying the water jar.

My inclusive imagination goes wild over these couple of lines in Mark’s gospel. Was there a location in Jerusalem where one met gender variant males? Jesus was certainly comfortable with eunuchs when identifies with eunuchs in his statement: “For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.”(Mt. 19:12)

If so, it points to Jesus’ inclusive experience of these gender variant males and eunuchs, and more importantly, his inclusion of gender variant folks into his ministry is wider than we could even imagine. Did Jesus and his disciples eat his Last Supper in a location that would scare many religiously conservative and purity conscious Pharisees would cringe at the thought?

Jesus preached while sharing a cup of water; he fed 5000 near the waters of the Sea of Galilee, he described himself as the living water. He healed the blind at pool of Siloam and instructed him to wash his eyes from the waters of the pool.
Water symbolizes the transformation born of us as children of God into a new creation—an inclusive community connected to the waters within the cosmic Christ. Next time you take a drink of water, understand that you drink the waters of Christ. It is a form of communion, and you have born like Christ as child of heaven and earth. And the water you drink connects you to all water and life.
Finally, when we were baptized, we understand that we were baptized with Christ and into the mystical body of Christ. We become beloved children of heaven and earth, and we have a responsibility for the waters of the Earth and all the life containers carrying virtual water of Christ. Our water discipleship is born of our baptism. And we honor the Christ in all waters have a responsibility to water justice around–to make sure all have access to water and clean water.   Water justice starts with us and our conservation here in Southern California even on a rainy weekend!

Ancestral Grace: Incarnation Continues On

Today Gospel is the Prologue to the Gospel of John. It was probably a Christian hymn in John’s community to celebrate the event of God’s incarnation in Christ. When I reflect on the mysteries of Christ’s life, I ask a question what is salvific in Christ: Is it hs Incarnation, his life and ministry, his crucifixion, or Christ’s resurrection from the dead? I could make an argument for each event listed or take the easily route, claiming “all” these form a picture of what God was doing in the birth, ministry and message of Jesus, his confrontations in Jerusalem, his death and resurrection.
Walter Wink, a gospel scholar, writes:

When Jesus appeared on the scene, the collective unconscious of the age was fully prepared. His life tapped into the massive psychic upheaval that was affecting numerous groups, not only in Judaism but in the Mediterranean world generally. Something seismic was about to happen, and Jesus stood at the epicenter.

This precisely sums up my feelings of what was being revealed in the Christian gospels. God’s incarnation in Jesus is seismic, yet he is born an outsider, outside Bethlehem and outside human abode—a stable or cave. The ancestral grace of creation was bearing fruition of a divine intention of God wll before the universe was created to share divine love and community with others than God’s self. It is the story of the beginnings of our universe, our story and the story of all life as well. God intended to create the universe, teeming with life, but God anticipated that God would disturb this world with God’s self by taking on physical embodiment. This the divine intention to find communion or union together with the universe.

Jesus, in the totality of his existence as a human and beyond both in his incarnation and resurrection, embodies a divine potential within our humanity and mature growth. One of my favorite authors Diarmuid O’Murchu quotes the Canadian theologian Gregory Baum: “God is what happens to a person on the way to becoming human.”

Jesus says, “I am the way…” because he is the gateway for us to become divine. And the paradox is that the path to becoming divine is to become more fully human as Jesus manifested his humanity. Jesus points out that humans are not made for perfection as claimed by the church for centuries, but that we are graced for the wholeness of Christ through our relationship to the risen Christ and, in turn, to God. Think about the phrase, I used, we are “graced for the wholeness of Christ through our relationship to the risen Christ.”

The Spirit lures us with all our brokenness into a love relationship with Christ and helps us to realize that God’s incarnation in human flesh is not only about Jesus but all flesh united with the Spirit who now has given birth to Christ within themselves. The God/human is thoroughly divine and thoroughly human. And that is the good news and the scandal of the incarnation. At this Christmas season, we name God’s incarnation in Jesus as “Immanuel”–“God with us.” God is with us and in us. We incarnate or embody God’s Christ within us, and that is a revelation to us.

Unfortunately, the church for the most of its history stressed “Jesus saves or rescues us.” But I want to tell you that Jesus is more than “savior.” Jesus the rescuer must be replaced with a wider notion of Jesus the Christ, who is the icon of God’s compassion, unconditional love, and forgiveness and grace. Jesus is God’s selfless communication of divine love to us, and there is so much to Jesus the Christ as the communication of God’s unconditional love. God’s love through Christ and the Spirit goes well beyond saving us, for God’s love graces our humanity, that is opens to the pouring the divine life of Christ within us. And that grace of Christ within our bodies and within ourselves transforms us to the core of our being by making us siblings of Christ and children of God.

The Church has suffocated Jesus through the ages: with unhealthy stresses and distortions that made power and wealth church goals; a perfectionism that is unhealthy and disincarnational, denying the our bodies and sexuality as original blessings; domination and exploitation of the Earth and other life with callousness and heartlessness; views of sin originating from legalism, guilt, and shaming; an exclusivism that Jesus fought against and gave up his life; a Christian fundamentalism that tries to control people and access to God; literalist readings of scripture over religious imagination when Jesus spoke in parable and metaphor and re-enacted symbol actions of God presence in our midst. Why stay with such a dysfunctional institution? Great question—you may want to ask this on a regular basis.

Does the church follow Christ or follow its own wayward path? Pope Francis delivered his Christmas message to cardinals and bishops in the Vatican bureaucracy speaking in very strong terms that the leadership of the church suffers a “spiritual Alzheimer’s.” We have been engaged in a cultural and religious war between the above forces against our ancestral notions that God’s creation, incarnation, and the energy of Spirit is one continuous flow of divine grace and love, surrounding us and living within us, and freeing us to serve God’s people with gratitude and joy. We hear echoes of the cultural/religious war in the words of today’s gospel:

What has come into being in him was life, and the life and the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.
He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him. But to all who received him, who placed their hearts in his name, he gave them power to become the children of God.

These are the everyday struggles we experience in our world and in our churches as we hold to an ancestral grace that we are God’s children and siblings of Jesus the Christ. But other church agendas distract us from the good news of God’s incarnation.

Ancestral grace is what we may describe as the divine matrix of love from which all creation was born. It is the most primal impulse and energy of love within the whole universe. It is the divine milieu of unconditional love, our relatedness to God, our interconnections with all life and the Spirit of God within all life. Through this ancestral grace, we recognize that we are siblings with all peoples and especially, those who are different from ourselves and those in need. We are siblings with the Earth and all life on the Earth. Grace is the ocean of divine love where we realize abundance, our original blessedness as children of God, our reason for existence, working for the gospel, living compassionately, and caring in the world. Gratitude, a word originating from the word “grace,” expresses our thanksgiving and gratefulness to God’s continued “gifting” to us. Gratitude emerges from God’s grace as a natural response of ‘Saying thanks.”

We cannot define this grace, but we know it when we live within the stream of God’s abundant grace surrounding us and flowing within us.
A little known historical fact is that images of the crucified Jesus on the cross did not appear until 965 CE in the Cathedral of Cologne (now Germany). Prior to this introduction of the crucifix, Christians were devoted to the cross—in earliest time Egyptian ankh as a disguised cross or the Greek letter “Tau” or “T” in the first couple of centuries of Christianity. Christians called themselves “devotees of the cross.” The risen and glorified image of Jesus was placed on the cross. The stress of Christians was placed on the resurrected Christ, not the tortured Christ on the cross. They recognized that ancestral grace burst forth on Easter in the risen Christ. The God of life transformed the deadly element of the cross into the resurrected life. God’s incarnation– that was intended before the advent of time and the big bang explosion into universe– came to its fruition in the risen life of the Incarnate God.

Jesus points the path forward towards this ancestral grace that reached its fruition in the resurrection. Resurrection life is wider than the risen Christ because it models what we human beings will become from the ancestral grace of divine love unleashed in creation. We call this unleashing of divine love the Holy Spirit—who harnesses the power of resurrection for us and all life. St. Paul describes Jesus as the “first born,” the “new Adam” because he embodies what we will become in the future—divinized by the power of resurrection and humanized to our greatest potential by God’s love and grace. Jesus as the “new Adam” means he is the prototype of a new race, the first born of humanity and all life destined to live in a graced relationship with God. What is this ancestral grace expressed here when we speak of Jesus as the pioneer of new life or a new creation? It means ancestral grace is the grace of the risen life of Jesus.
Jesus invites us into resurrected life as co-creators, working with the Spirit to bring the messiness of human living, the struggles we all face, the flaws of our lives—knowing that our relationship with the risen Christ and the Spirit will provide the love and motivation for us to mature in our grace-filled humanity. We are graced by the risen Christ. Our humanity is transformed by our relationship with the risen Christ.

What does it mean to live in a graced relationship with God in Christ? I have shifted the terms with which you have grown up in Christian churches —“rescued and saved” to the transformed and amzing notion of resurrected and risen. Salvation is about our transformation, graced into the divine life of triune community of love. This is what resurrection means—graced companionship and participation in the risen life of Christ. We move beyond the guilt and shame model of being rescued to the graced relationship with the risen Christ. This means we no longer beat ourselves up when we fall back into our flaws and failings but listen to our companion the risen Christ who encourages us that we are not alone but that he is with us.

Here is what I believe that companionship in ancestral grace means:
It first means that Christ lives in and through us—God with us, Emmanuel:
This is the incarnational prayer of Teresa of Avila:

Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
Compassion on this world,
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,
Yours are the eyes, you are his body.
Christ has no body now but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
compassion on this world.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.

We become incarnated presence of the risen Christ; we continue to be the arms; legs and feet of Christ in the world, eyes and ears of Christ; we become the heart of Christ making compassion and forgiveness of Christ real in the world. We are beings in a graced relationship, and we put Christ on and live

And there is a child born outside of Bethlehem….

T.S. Eliot wrote in ‘Four Quartets’, “Humankind cannot bear too much reality.” So we divert ourselves from the true message of Christmas either by romanticizing the story of the birth of Jesus or by replacing it with our mythologies of about the magic of Santa Claus, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, or Frosty the Snowman. Because of secularists and atheist protests, we nervously mention Christmas trees or avoid public displays of the nativity story because it offends somebody. The gospel nativity stories have become a casualty of our cultural wars.

But our Advent hope lies in the scandalous promise that God will become one of us. “The Word will become flesh.” But is the most amazing event that startles us. The ‘reign of God’ will come when God embraces us in all our strange and paradoxical reality, and we embrace ourselves and one another with all our human contradictions and weaknesses.

Augustus Caesar ordered a census for the purpose of taxation. Counting the number of conquered subjects and taxing them was Rome’s imperial destiny to collect taxes for the divine Emperor. We always presume that there is one Davidic descendant, Joseph. But I suspect that there were a number of Davidic descendants or would-be claimants crowding the inns of Bethlehem. All the private and semi-private rooms around the courtyards were already taken. And there were no room for the couple from Nazareth in the inns of Bethlehem.

So Mary gives birth to her child outside of the town. God affects the birth of Jesus outside of the economic, political, and religious order. Cities and towns were imperial sites for taxation and rule. The Magi have to search and follow a star to discover this child whereas the shepherds find the child accessible to themselves outside the gates of town and city in a barn or cave housing for animals. Jesus is born among the domesticated animals in an open courtyard.
Jesus is born outside of the Roman census; his birth is undocumented and remains unrecorded. We do not know the time of the day or even the day or even the year that Jesus was born. It is guess-work or theological reflection from the second century CE that dates it at the time of the winter solstice when the longest nights and shortest days take place. “And there a light was born in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it.”

The birth of Roman rulers were precisely recorded: the time of day, the date and place of their births, and the births of the children of Herod the Great were likewise recorded—but not the “word become flesh” remains in story but not in any official documents. Jesus is literally born outside of the established political order; he is born an outsider, a nomad whose destiny was to live on the borders of his society and eventually to die outside the political capital of Jerusalem. And again we know the season Jesus will be crucified is springtime at Passover, but we do not know the exact year he died. Sometime between 27-30 CE.

“This will be a sign for you; you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.” The child is laid in a manger suggesting a place where animals are housed. St. Francis of Assisi rightly understood that Jesus’ birth with animals housed in the stable/cave and that Jesus laid in a manager had significance. Francis was the first Christian to create a Christmas crèche with animals, for he comprehended the universal connections of the infant Jesus with animal life. All life had the same divine parent and thus all life is siblings. Jesus was not born fro humanity only but for the whole world—all beings of God’s creation.

Jesus’ birth does takes place at the margins of society but outside of society in the uncivilized world, and it begins a story that repeats itself over and over in his ministry and life. He is an outsider his life, an outsider to the religious establishment in Jerusalem, and is political outsider on the cross outside Jerusalem.

God is born an outsider to human civilization but an insider to the world. Religious scholar Karen Armstrong observes, “If we study the Christmas story carefully, we are left with the disturbing sense that the world’s future lies with the very people cast to its margins.” It is a story of an outsider for all those whoever felt outside of society and alienated from religion. It is given to the wealthy and privileged as an opportunity to hear what they most forget about themselves and their world. God has become an outsider.

What the birth of Jesus allows us to imagine God become human. We see it in him how the divine and the human are woven forever one. God did not just take on one human nature. God took on all human nature and said “yes” to it forever! God took on everything physical, material, and natural as himself. That is the full meaning of the Incarnation, the humanity of God—God with us. The story of Christmas announces that where there are poor and disadvantaged people, there is Jesus. From his birth until stripped and dying on the cross, Jesus identified with the poor and oppressed. There is no Christianity without care for the poor and the suffering, and that includes the Earth and all life.

And that’s the whole point! You and I are simultaneously children of heaven and children of earth, divine and human coexisting in a well hidden disguise. We are a living paradox, just as Jesus was. We also are a seeming contradiction that is not a contradiction at all. Most Christians were simply never told the real good news that flesh and spirit, divine and human, coexist in a wondrous mystery. That was not made clear in Jesus and surely not in ourselves by the church. The consequences of not fully acceptance of “the word became flesh and dwelled among us” have been disastrous at all levels of notions of human perfection and exclusion of the less perfect” the pure and impure, saved and sinner. God’s incarnation did not happen in the pregnancy of Mary but the ancient unfathomable time of 15 billion years ago when the big bang happened. God fused Godself with the gases and the atomic particles that would be shaped in the womb of Mary, given birth to a child– who would experience the fullness of human life, all its joys, tragedies, and disappointment. The child—born of heaven and earth– would discover divine nature within himself and within the world.

Matter always reveals Spirit, and Spirit lies hidden as the divine energy within all that is physical, material, earthly, human, fleshy and erotic, flawed, and failing. Everything is a sacrament of the divine presence! Nothing else could truly be called good news. We learn the real meaning of human life, compassionately interconnected with the web of life, by meditating upon the life of Jesus and following in the footsteps of Jesus.

Let me quote extensively the Letter of the Divine Child authored by Brazilian theologian Leonardo Boff:

Christmas is the feast of children and of the Divine Child that hides within every adult. The belief that God came near to humankind in the form of a child is enormously inspiring. Thus no one can claim that it is just an unfathomable mystery, fascinating on the one hand and terrifying on the other. No. He came close to us in the fragility of a newborn who whimpered from the cold and hungrily sought the maternal breast. We have to respect and love this form in which God chose to enter our world, through the rear, in a grotto of animals, on a dark and snowy night, “because there was no room for him in the inns of Bethlehem.”

Even more consoling is the idea that we will be judged by a child and not by a stern and scrutinizing judge. What a child wants is to play. He immediately forms an affinity with other children, poor, rich, Asian, black, or blond…He is original since;

if you are able to make the hidden child be reborn in your parents, your uncles and aunts and other people you know so that love, tenderness, and caring for the whole world and also for nature well up in them;
if when looking at the manger you discover Jesus, poorly clad, almost naked, and you remember how many children are equally poorly clothed, and this situation wounds you to the bottom of your hearts, and you can share your surplu

innocence because he does not yet know the maliciousness of adult life.

The Divine Child will introduce us into the celestial dance and the banquet that the divine family of Father/Mother, Son and Holy Spirit has prepared for all its sons and daughters, without excluding those who once were torn by suffering.
I was reflecting on this blessed situation when an angel like those who sang to the shepherds in the fields of Bethlehem approached me spiritually and gave me a Christmas card. From whom could it be? I began to read. It said:

“Dear little brothers and sisters:

If when looking at the nativity and seeing the Child Jesus there between Mary and Joseph, next to the ox and the mule, you are filled with faith that God became a child like any one of you;

if you are able to see in other boys and girls the ineffable presence of Jesus the Child, who once was born in Bethlehem and has never left us alone in the world

if you are able to make the hidden child be reborn in your parents, your uncles and aunts and other people you know so that love, tenderness, and caring for the whole world and also for nature well up in them;

if when looking at the manger you discover Jesus, poorly clad, almost naked, and you remember how many children are equally poorly clothed, and this situation wounds you to the bottom of your hearts, and you can share your surplus and want to change this state of affairs right now;

if when seeing the cow, the donkey, the sheep, the goats, the dogs, the camels and the elephant in the nativity, you think that the whole universe is also lit by the Divine Child and that we are all part of the Great House of God;
if you look up to the heavens and see the star with its luminous tail and remember that there is always a star like the one of Bethlehem over you, that accompanies you, shines on you, and shows you the best paths;
if you remember that the Three Kings who came from far off lands, were really wise men and that still today they represent the scientists and teachers who are able to see the secret meaning of life and the universe in this Child;

if you believe that this Child is simultaneously (Hu)man and God, that, being (Hu)man, He is your brother and, being God, a part of God exists in you, and therefore you are filled with joy and real pride;
if you believe all this, know that I am born again and Christmas has come anew among you. I will always be near, walking with you, weeping with you and playing with you, until the day when all — humankind and universe — reach the House of God, who is Father and Mother of infinite goodness, to live together forever and be eternally happy.
Bethlehem. December 25, Year 1,
Signed The Divine Child Jesus

This Christmas my wish for you is to step into the heart of the scandal and mystery of the God-word became flesh and living within you.

Merry Christmas! 2014